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First and foremost, I'm a yarn addict and a machine hoarder. There, I've got that off my chest. At last count I had 17 machines and a yarn stash that exceeds my life expectancy. I can't resist a bargain and have a soft spot for old machines that need that little bit of TLC. 

I started my machine knitting addiction in1976 when I started a job in a knitwear factory as a quality controller with my own little laboratory room for yarn testing and a yarn cellar FULL of Shetland yarns in every colour imaginable. Not the odd cones but cases and cases and cases stacked end on end. This obviously is the root cause of my yarn addiction .  Whilst doing the quality control I had to use machines to knit up samples and was able to use the state of the art machines for that time and was influenced by the very talented designers that worked there.


I eventually purchased a Brother KH710 push button machine from a catalogue as it was the only way for me to afford such a luxury. In those days we were without the internet and so my learning came from the Jones Brother tuition books and correspondence course where you knitted your sample and posted it off for checking.

I have mainly Brother machines and a few vintage ones plus the odd quirky thing that I couldn't resist including 
Brother KH710, KH860 x 2 plus ribbers, KH891, KH230, KH260, Zippy LK100 x 2, Bond incredible Sweater Machine, Vintage Record Hand Knitter, Busch, Orion double bed, Knitmaster ES302, Simpleframe , Tomy childs knitting machine and a Knitting Mate hand knitting comb.



A Bit About Me

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